Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Have A Wonderful Christmas, Wherever You May Be!

It's the most wondeful time of the year!!!  Enjoy the holidays everyone and here's to a fantastic 2014!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Chlorophyll Supplement Comparisons

The use of chlorophyll supplements as a way to reduce body odor and bad breath is a rising trend that continues to grow in popularity.  It offers a unique approach to deodorant protection because unlike topical solutions, chlorophyll works as an internal deodorant.  Much of what causes body odor and bad breath stems from factors that take place inside the body.  Toxins, acids and other organic odor molecules get absorbed into the body and are released through skin, sweat and the mouth.  Chlorophyll acts like a sponge, and absorbs these odor causing compounds before they are emitted and remove them from the body. 

Because the use of chlorophyll supplements to get rid of odor is fairly new, there can be a bit of uncertainty when deciding which product is the best or most effective.  There are several important attributes that you should be aware of when comparing different options. 


Most of us know or have heard of chlorophyll.  In many supplements, you will often see chlorophyll taken from sources such as alfalfa or parsley.  It is important to know that chlorophyll in its natural form has a very limited absorbability to the human body.  Chlorophyll is fat soluble and not dissolvable in water.  This makes internal deodorant effects difficult.

On the other hand, when you look at the supplement facts information on the back, what you'll want to look for is chlorophyllin.  Chlorophyllin is a water soluble derivative of chlorophyll.  They are essentially identical in structure, but with one important difference.  A single magnesium molecule in chlorophyll has been replaced with a copper atom.  This one alteration is what allows chlorophyllin to be absorbed into the body, and what gives it its ability to bind to odor compounds to prevent you from stinking.

Chlorophyllin is also called Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin or Copper Chlorophyllin Complex. 

Milligrams Per Tablet

Another factor to be aware of when purchasing a supplement is not only the number of tablets per bottle, but also the amount of chlorophyllin per tablet.  This ratio can vary from brand to brand so while one may contain 100 tablets, each tablet may contain very little chlorophyllin. 

This is important because according to research,  the optimal dosage of chlorophyllin per day ranges between 100mg - 300mg.  This provides long lasting odor protection for 24 hours.  In comparison, another study found that 75mg produced no significant malodor reduction.

Product Comparison

Below is a list of a few popular chlorophyll supplements on the market.  We've included the number of tablets per bottle, cost according to Amazon as well as total chlorophyllin per bottle.  In addition, we've calculated cost per mg of chlorophyllin as well tablet potency. 

Chlorophyllin Mg
Total Chlorophyllin
Cost Per Mg
Body Mint
Vitabase Chlorophyll
Nature's Way Chlorofrresh
ENDS Chlorophyll
Bernard Jensens Chlorophyll
Nature's Plus Natural Chlorophlll

From the table above, we  see that Body Mint carries the most effective potency per tablet at 1.67.  This means that on a per tablet basis, you get the most out of 1 pill in comparison to other products.

In terms of price, the cheapest solution on a per mg basis is WORLD Organic Chlorophyll at $0.0018.  It is important to note that these prices do not include shipping charges.  In certain cases free shipping may or may not apply, but it is still something to consider.  Body Mint for example has a feature called Auto Delivery in which product is shipped free of charge.

If you are a current user of chlorophyll supplements or thinking of trying them out, we hope that you've found this information useful.  Remember to be sure to check the ingredient list as well as the amount of chlorophyllin per serving size.  Certain products such as Nature's Way for example uses a serving size of 2 and lists their chlorophyllin amount as 100mg.  This of course means that each tablet contains only 50mg.  Also, don't be afraid to ask the customer service people questions about what is popular and what works best.  Information shared is information gained!  Happy hunting.  

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Another Body Mint Update

My goodness does time fly.  Fourth of July is almost here and I'm pretty excited.  Have a few things planned including a beach bbq which should be a blast.  Summer is great for the sun and it's been like a massive heat wave.  And on that note, I just wanted to give everyone an update on my Body Mint experience... you know, with this being a review blog and all.

I'm actually on my 5th bottle!  For anyone to lazy to go back and read my first 10 blog entries, I'll recap.  I was 'introduced' to Body Mint at an expo where I got a free sample to try.  Decided to give it a shot and I've really noticed a difference.  Did the sniff test on the boyfriend as well as the morning breath test and both seemed to pass. 

A funny note to those who've been following me since day 1, my boyfriend is not a user as well.  He's a typical guy, and I have to remind him to take the pills, but he seems happy with the results as well.  He says he can notice a difference in his breath as well as his stinky feet (he seems to think he's got foot issues, but I haven't really noticed and it's not like I plan to do a sniff test on that!  He doesn't notice a difference as much  for body odor, but he never really had a problem to begin with... only after a good work out, but I think that is typical for most people. 

In any case things are still working.  I don't notice the difference as much; probably because I've grown use to things, but I still find myself getting up in the morning and thinking that I could still talk to people and I don't know if they'd know I haven't brushed my teeth yet.  Granted, it's something I would never try with a stranger, but I digress.

Well, I'll write more later, but for now it's time to get my tan on!  Happy pre-4th everyone!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Body Mint Information on Squidoo

If people are looking for additional information, I came across this Squidoo lens called "Body Mint, Odor To Go!".  It has a lot of good information about not only the product, but the science and methods behind it. 

It has great information on causes of odor including how people stink becaues of the food that they eat.  It even has a section on why old people smell the way they do.  I didn't realize there was actually a reason why old people smell different. 

The article can be found here:

Monday, April 22, 2013

Body Mint: Test Subject #2. Day 4-9

It's been a pretty busy week.  Work has been really stressful and been pulling some long hours in the office.  Actually got sick this weekend which was a total bummer.  Friends were going to have a party, but they cancelled it for next week since I couldn't make it... how sweet! 

Anyway, my Body Mint test subject friend sent over her notes for the past week.

Tuesday:  Took first pill at 8am and second pill at 10pm. Haven't noticed a difference in any odor. 

Wednsday: Took first pill at 8:50am and second pill at 9pm.  Might be starting to work today.  Didn't really chew any gum which I usually always do since low carbing it.  Also, mouth feels 'fresher' throughout the day.  Hard to explain. 

Thursday: Took first pill at 7:45am and second pill at 9pm.  I think there is a difference in the way my breath smells.  [Deleted boyfriends name] said my breath smells fine.  Even he thought that my breath smell changed when I started dieting.  Not in a gross way, but moreso just different.  He said now it's back to normal in a good way; whatever that means. 

Friday: Took first pill at 8am and second pill at 10pm. Definitely starting to notice a difference.  Before, my breath would have this kind of eggy smell.  I was told it was from the high protein intake.  Now, that eggy smell is gone. 

Saturday: Took first pill at 9:30am and second pill at 8pm.  Same as yesterday.  So far so good. 

Sunday: Took first pill at 9am and second pill at 11pm.  Same as yesterday.  Noticeable difference in breath smell. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Body Mint: Test Subject #2. Day 1-3

Welp, as mentioned in my last entry, I asked my friend to give Body Mint a try because of her low carb dieting issue.  Mostly it was for my blog, but like a good friend she started this past weekend; Saturday to be exact.  I asked her to keep a log and to try to be as detailed as possible... yeah right :).

Anyway, she emailed me her 'report' today which I thought I'd pass along.  Strictly copy and paste:

Hey JenJen, ok so here's my Body Mint report.  Saturday: I took my first pill at about 9am and my second one around 10pm.  Didn't notice anything, but I read that it takes a few days to work. 
Sunday: Took first pill at around 9am and second pill around 9pm.  No difference in breath
Monday: Took first pill around 7am and second pill around 8pm.  No difference in breath.  I did notice that something else is turning green... haha!
Thanks girl!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Low Carb Dieting and Bad Breath

So I was talking with a friend who is on the Atkins Diet.  She was talking about how great it was because she can eat bacon, steak and all this other good stuff.  She does miss her starch, but she keeps saying how it's worth it and how it's the best thing ever.  I do have to admit that she's lost a bit of weight. 

She then mentioned that her breath smells different.  She was saying how it's similar to weight lifters who increase their protein.  Their breath starts to smell funny.  I guess it's called ketosis breath.  She seems not too overly concerned though, but it made me think of Body Mint.  I asked her if she heard of it and she said no.  I told her about my little experiment and she didn't seem to interested.  Oh well.

So I did a little research on the side.  Apparently, people who are on low carb diets tend to have bad breath because of the meats and fats they are eating.  In normal quantities along with a balanced diet it isn't a big deal, but when you're loading up, I guess it can start to seep out... gross!

So high protein foods are also high in stinky gases.  They get absorbed into the body and have to come out somewhere.... that somewhere tends to be the biggest hole in the body... the mouth.

Well, because I'm weird like that I went back to my friend and told her about it.  I also asked her to try the Body Mint and let me report on her for my blog.  I told her I'd keep it total anonymous.  After a few days of asking she's finally agreed.

Yay!  A new test subject other than myself!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Front Load Washer and Dryer

So we just got a brand new Kenmore front loading washer and dryer.  The installers came and did there thing and left.  I did a test run to play with my new toy and it was a different experience than what I'm used too.

First of all, my old washer didn't have any of the cool digital features this new one has... yes my old one was that old! 

Second, this front loader doesn't fill up with water.  I wasn't sure if it was working properly, and I'm still not sure.  It's like, the machine releases just enough water to saturate the clothes, and that's it.  There isn't the pool of water that the clothes normally sloshes around in.  I know these things are suppose to be energy and water savers, but I'm wondering if that is normal or if something is wrong. 

I also had to go out and buy all new laundry detergent.  These front loaders only use HE type detergent.  Not a big deal.

If anyone has a front loader, feel free to drop me a line as to whether or not this water issue is normal. 

Also, yes I'm still using Body Mint.  I actually went out and bought another bottle.  Morning breath results are still there which I like.  No sweaty smell after tennis and workouts.  Thumbs up!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Body Mint Lady

So over the past few weeks, I've actually become a big fan of Body Mint.  I'm still taking it and still liking the results.  Haven't done any boyfriend tests recently, but I do notice a difference in the day to day stuff.  Come on, throuhout the day we can all admit that our breath can get a little off at times.  Likewise, if it's hot or the AC is broken... nobodys sweat smells like roses. 

I can honestly say that everything seems in pretty good shape.  I don't chew gum as often and I don't feel self conscious when I'm talking to people.  Pretty cool.

Anyway, the reason I'm back to this is that I was at Wal Mart this past weekend and Body Mint caught my eye on the shelf.  They have a Lady version that is suppose to work on feminine odor, or as they put it, feminine hygiene. 

The box is pretty, but I don't know about that.  I mean, I think we are all self conscious at one time or another about how it smells down there, but I guess it makes sense.  Will I try it and report on the results?   Hell no.  That's personal :).

On that note, my crap is still green.

Friday, March 8, 2013


Sometimes I swear, the people that we have to interact with everyday is almost like a punishment.  I'm not going into specifics, but people who aren't suppose to be dumb, or I don't think have the luxury of being dumb, simply just can't help it. 

Then again, is it being dumb?  Maybe it's actually coming off as dumb, but originated from a different place.  What the hell am I talking about?  Let me try to explain.  Sometimes perhaps people have a need to.. oh let's say be 'the boss'.  By doing so they feel the need to bring up a suggestion just for the sake of doing so to come across as a thinker, an innovator, ambitious... whatever.

I have no problem with that in and of itself.  However, in doing so, if you're going to say the stupidest crap that makes me look at you like, what the hell are you talking about, then just stop.  Pretending to not want to call you an idiot is too draining.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Post Body Mint

Well, my little experiment ended, but I find myself still wanting to write.  There's something relaxing about having an outlet to spew just random thoughts to no one in particular. 

I went for lunch today with a few coworkers and no one could decide what to eat.  I suggested this great Thai food place not to far from our office.  When we got there one of the girls I was there made a comment like, 'oh this place smells funny".  Ok. 

We sit down to look at the menu and another female coworker starts saying how the food items look so messy.  Huh?  I guess looking at the pictures it wasn't all neatly arranged like whatever boring crap she likes to eat.  Curries, stir fries.. yum!  Variety ladies, variety!

I think sometimes people just like to complain for the sake of complaining OR because they are going along with an idea that isn't their's even though they didn't bother to present an idea of their own.

Anyway, after lunch we walked out and the first girl who made the smell comment started complaining about how her clothes smelled funny and if I had any Body Mint, ha ha.  I just laughed and said something along the lines of sure,  I have some at home.  I'l lbring it for you tomorrow and you can thank me later. 


Monday, March 4, 2013

So there you have it

So the purpose of me doing this was to see if Body Mint really worked or not.  After about 3 days or so I did notice a difference in my morning breath, but never really had a chance to test out the body odor part.  Like I mentioned before my idea was to do some exercising with the boyfriend and give him a big, fat hug afterwards to see if he noticed anything. 

Well, that time finally came.

This weekend, we had planned a tennis workout.  Normally we drive to the courts which are a few blocks from where we live, but this time I told him, let's walk.  He looked at me with a slight bit of confusion, but I just said it was a nice day and walking is good for you.  He gave in.  Yay!

The thing is, it was a nice day, but probably not for walking.  It was close to 90 degrees out.  I was torn.  On one hand, it would've been easier to drive and more importantly, coming back home would've been a lot easier.  On the other hand, it's a great opportunity for my little blog.  Ah well, such is the way of things.

So we finally get to the park and play for a good 2 hours.  It's hot, we're sweating, it's great!  We cool down for a while, just passing the time with small talk.  I thought now's a great time to move in closer.  I get up and sit next to him and start off my just resting my head on his shoulder.  I tell him it's hot and I'm tired.  Like a typical guy, he says, "well you're the one who wanted to walk here.". 

I look up and give him a big smile, and just say 'thanks honey!', and wrap my arms around him.  I then asked in more words than I'm reiterating here, 'do I smell'.  He said no.  I asked what do I smell like.  He said, 'I don't know, whatever you wash your hair with'. 

Funny thing is, the whole time I'm thinking, 'dude, you kind of smell yourself'.  Of course not in pinch your nose run away way, but more like how I think I smell after working out.... like sweat. 

So there you have it.  Shampoo.

Not even a little sweat smell... at least not that he told me, and he's definitely not one to hold back on things. 

I know, this isn't the most scientific test out there, but for me,  it's convincing enough that Body Mint does work to an extent.  I do plan to use the rest of this bottle, and I'm actually thinking about buying it when I run out. 

Like I said, I don't think I have body odor, but it really does work for breath... especially in the morning. 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Day 9: Title Help

Day 9:

Brain not working today.  Must think of creative title.  Can't... do... it.  Couldn't fall asleep til around 3am last night.  Working on 3 hours of sleep is like trying to swim laps while drunk.  It's dangerous! 

Anyway, back to the focus of this blog, my review of Body Mint.  According to their frequently asked questions, it's suppose to work in about a week.  As I indicated here, I started to notice some changes after about 3 or 4 days. 

It revolved primarily around morning breath... again, I know it's weird to talk about, but lets be reality here; everyone has it!  But even today, I still wake up and I feel like my breath is pretty good for not having brushed yet.  I actually took it one step further and had a conversation with my boyfriend before brushing.  I wasn't all in his face, breathing on him, but just casual, morning type conversation.  Usually you can tell if a person's still got the monring funk going on, but he didn't say anything.  I probably should have hinted to see if he was just being polite.  Maybe I'll try again tomorrow.

Also, I do notice a change in the way my body smells.  I don't have body odor.  At least I don't think I do and no one has told me otherwise.  But after work outs or a hot day, I know I can smell like I had a long day.  I know you guys know what I mean.

Anyway, I haven't really noticed that much either.  It hasn't been hot lately and I've worked out two times since taking Body Mint, so maybe it's not a good sample size yet.  I'm still going to hug my boyfriend after working out just to see what he says.  Poor guy!

Well, that's all for now. 

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Day 8: Thirsty Thursdays

Day 8:

Nothing interesting to report on the Body Mint front.  Great results for getting rid of morning breath, and still having interesting, green poop. 

On a side note, I'm driving to work today talking with my friend who I carpool with.  We're at a stop light when this lady pulls up next to us and asks me if I called her an idiot.  Seriously?  I told her 'no, but would you like me to?'. 

I mean, talk about a random act of what the heck. 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Day 7: Uh, it's green?!

Day 7:

So I've been pretty good about taking my Body Mint twice a day.  Now, before I continue I want to throw a word of caution before anyone reads further.  I'm going to talk about crap... literally.


So I'm using the bathroom and I noticed something.  My crap was green!  Not toxic waste green, but a really dark  green color.  Please don't ask how I noticed it.  I just did and I'm sure all of you have noticed the color of your crap once in a while. 

So I sat there thinking abit.  Then I realized, it's the same color as the Body Mint tablet.  I guess it makes sense that it would be that color green, but what got me thinking is how 2 little tablets can turn everything green.  So I decided to see what their website had to say:

Chlorophyll and Green Stool

Well what do you know.... right there in the frequently asked questions, one specific for green stool!  I guess it's the chlorophyllin flushing out the stinky. 

So there you have it.  Green stool is normal if you're taking Body Mint.  Cool?


Now that's out of the way, I had my workout yesterday.  I didn't push extra hard and I didn't hug my boyfriend after.  Oops.  We got into an argument so I didn't really feel like hugging him anyway.  I swear, sometimes guys can be totally clueless.  Sometimes, a girl just wants to vent and have her man listen.. not give advice, not tell me what I should do... just LISTEN!  Ugh!

Guess that test will have to wait for another time.

Day 6: Signs of Progress II

Day 6:

I wasn't able to be at my computer to do my daily post yesterday, but I did write down some notes.  As I wrote in my last entry, I actually did start to notice a difference in my morning breath.  Sounds so weird to say that, but hey... EVERYONE has morning breath. 

I woke up again this morning (well, yesterday morning) and again that dry mouth feeling wasn't there.  My mouth felt moist, for lack of a better word.  Kind of like that feeling after you ate a lemon... but without the sour taste. 

Haven't really noticed any changes in body smell, but quite honestly I don't think I have body odor to begin with.  I have a planned workout with my boyfriend today so maybe I'll try to push extra hard and give him a big hug afterwards to see what he thinks. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Day 3 - 5: Signs of Progress?

Day 3 - 5:

Welp, since I didn't have much to report this weekend I decided that I would wait until I started to notice something before I did my next entry.  Took both my Body Mint pills Saturday and Sunday as directed.  Nothing.


I woke up this beautiful Monday morning and started as I normally do.  I hit the snooze button and roll around in bed for a good 15 minutes before actually getting up.  I take a look at my cell phone to see if I missed any calls/texts during the night.  Turn on the TV to see what horrific traffic nightmare I have to face today. 

I started looking through my closet trying to figure out what to wear.  I went outside and started the coffee pot.  And then it dawned on me.  I didn't brush my teeth yet.  Of course I didn't forget, but it's usually one of the first things I do after waking up.  Then it hit me... I didn't have that morning mouth feeling.  You know what I'm talking about; that dry, kind of pasty feel in your mouth that only a good brush can get rid of. 

Was it the Body Mint?  After thinking for a few seconds, I came to the conclusion that it was.  I'm not taking anything else out of the ordinary. 

Generally I can tell if my breath is a little off.  I can say honestly say that I still needed to brush my teeth just for the cleanliness factor, but I would've actually been okay talking with my boyfriend at that very moment. 


Friday, February 22, 2013

Day 2: The Sequel

Day 2:

Woke up this morning, brushed my teeth, washed my face and popped my morning Body Mint.  So far no change.  I didn't expect one since it says it takes about a week.  So I guess for now we'll just wait and see. 

I told a few friends about what I'm doing and amazingly they were rather curious.  I thought they'd think I was weird, but they actually had some interesting things to say.  One friend actually has a family member who uses Body Mint and most of them have heard of it.  They said they heard positive things, so that's encouraging.  Couple said they thought about trying it just to see if it worked, but the price was kind of expensive.  Oh well, such is the way of things. 

On a side note, it's funny how some people squeeze the toothpaste tube from the middle, while others start at the bottom.  It makes sense to me to squeeze from the bottom. 

Oh well that's all for now.  I plan to take another Body Mint before I head to bed tonight and post about Day 3 tomorrow!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day 1 - Here goes nothing

Day 1:

Opened the box and unwrapped the bottle.  Instructions say to take 2 tablets per day.  One in the morning and one at night.  Looking over the ingredients, it looks like the main one is chlorophyllin SSC.  The pill itself is a dark green color.  It isn't coated so there is a slight green powder feel to the pill.

I did a quick search to see if chlorophyllin does anything for body odor.  After some poking around, it seems there are a few products like Body Mint that are made from either chlorophyllin or chlorophyll.  They all claim to help with body odor. 

My first question was, what is the difference between chlorophyll and chlorophyllin.  Ugh, I feel like I'm back in chemistry class... 

So chlorophyllin is the result of removing some molecule from chlorophyll which in turn makes it dissolvable in liquid.  I know there are products that use both chlorophyll and chlorophyllin, but which one works better and why?  Anyone?

Well,  that aside, I remember the person I spoke with at the expo said Body Mint takes about a week before noticing any results.  I definitely don't have an odor problem but I'll be the first to admit that I can tell if my breath is a little 'off' or if my body smells like a long, hard day.

Glass of water.  Body Mint pill.  Down the hatch it goes.


I was recently as the Great Aloha Run expo in Hawaii in preparation for the run itself.  Looking around the various booths, I came across Body Mint.  I've heard of it before but never really tried it.  They gave me a free box.  I read over the copy and it sounded interesting.  A pill that can get rid of body, breath and foot odor.  Plus it's made from natural ingredients.  Seems like everyone claims they are natural, but one look at this pill and I'm inclined to believe it in this case.

Anyways, I was bored and decided to try it out to see if it really does what it says.  I thought, why not do a quick blog and document it; nothing else to do at the moment. 

Body Mint website

If you're wondering what exaclty is Body Mint, here's a exscript from their website:

Body Mint is unique in that it has been developed and specialized to target multiple odors in our body; specifically breath, underarm, perspiration and foot odors. Body Mint was developed over a three year period in which nine different formulas were carefully and meticulously tested.

Its base ingredient is chlorophyllin; a special derivative of chlorophyll. Each tablet contains 100mg of chlorophyllin and is designed to provide total day and night protection. 

Body Mint is an internal deodorant and freshens unwanted odors from within the body before they are released.

Our manufacturing process is rigidly structured and controlled. We go to great lengths to ensure that only the freshest ingredients are used in EVERY tablet that we sell. Each batch of Body Mint is tested for efficacy, and our quality control procedures are second to none. Every step along the way has been designed to ensure that you the customer is buying the absolute best of what we have to offer.
Our formula and manufacturing process is the key to Body Mint’s success. 

The result has been both national and international recognition of Body Mint as a reliable and effective deodorant tablet. We take great pride in the quality of our product, and our primary goal is your complete satisfaction.