Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Day 7: Uh, it's green?!

Day 7:

So I've been pretty good about taking my Body Mint twice a day.  Now, before I continue I want to throw a word of caution before anyone reads further.  I'm going to talk about crap... literally.


So I'm using the bathroom and I noticed something.  My crap was green!  Not toxic waste green, but a really dark  green color.  Please don't ask how I noticed it.  I just did and I'm sure all of you have noticed the color of your crap once in a while. 

So I sat there thinking abit.  Then I realized, it's the same color as the Body Mint tablet.  I guess it makes sense that it would be that color green, but what got me thinking is how 2 little tablets can turn everything green.  So I decided to see what their website had to say:

Chlorophyll and Green Stool

Well what do you know.... right there in the frequently asked questions, one specific for green stool!  I guess it's the chlorophyllin flushing out the stinky. 

So there you have it.  Green stool is normal if you're taking Body Mint.  Cool?


Now that's out of the way, I had my workout yesterday.  I didn't push extra hard and I didn't hug my boyfriend after.  Oops.  We got into an argument so I didn't really feel like hugging him anyway.  I swear, sometimes guys can be totally clueless.  Sometimes, a girl just wants to vent and have her man listen.. not give advice, not tell me what I should do... just LISTEN!  Ugh!

Guess that test will have to wait for another time.

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