Day 9:
Brain not working today. Must think of creative title. Can't... do... it. Couldn't fall asleep til around 3am last night. Working on 3 hours of sleep is like trying to swim laps while drunk. It's dangerous!
Anyway, back to the focus of this blog, my review of Body Mint. According to their frequently asked questions, it's suppose to work in about a week. As I indicated here, I started to notice some changes after about 3 or 4 days.
It revolved primarily around morning breath... again, I know it's weird to talk about, but lets be reality here; everyone has it! But even today, I still wake up and I feel like my breath is pretty good for not having brushed yet. I actually took it one step further and had a conversation with my boyfriend before brushing. I wasn't all in his face, breathing on him, but just casual, morning type conversation. Usually you can tell if a person's still got the monring funk going on, but he didn't say anything. I probably should have hinted to see if he was just being polite. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow.
Also, I do notice a change in the way my body smells. I don't have body odor. At least I don't think I do and no one has told me otherwise. But after work outs or a hot day, I know I can smell like I had a long day. I know you guys know what I mean.
Anyway, I haven't really noticed that much either. It hasn't been hot lately and I've worked out two times since taking Body Mint, so maybe it's not a good sample size yet. I'm still going to hug my boyfriend after working out just to see what he says. Poor guy!
Well, that's all for now.
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